The greatest off-road trails in the world! Very impressive!

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Are you an off-road enthusiast? Here are some of the greatest and also most interesting routes in the world, which are perfect for a 4×4 edition.

Head for the mountains! Off-road in the Alps and Pyrenees

One of the most popular destinations for off-road enthusiasts are the Alps and Pyrenees. You can plan your route taking into account such countries as Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain and Andorra. The biggest advantage of mountain off-road is breathtaking views, which will accompany us almost throughout the journey.

In all of these countries we will have to deal with unpaved roads, usually gravel. In the case of Andorra you can also meet with a few disused ski slopes, which you can drive into and admire the surrounding mountain beauty. When planning such a trip, you should take into account the weather conditions. The best period will be from May to September. In the case of other months, you must reckon with many difficulties – including snow, which at a level of 2000 m above sea level will be the standard. It is also worth to get guidebooks, which contain descriptions of routes, nearby attractions and maps. A very good position is the GPS OFF-ROAD guide Westalpen Gardasee, written by Sabine and Burkhard Koch.

Georgia – the pearl of the Caucasus

Georgia is a country that is located on the border between Europe and Asia. Visiting it, you will encounter both high mountains and beautiful beaches on the Black Sea coast. Georgia is also a place of rich history, folklore and tradition. For those who love off-road expeditions, the cherry on the cake will be the excellent gravel roads, adapted for 4×4 driving.

What Georgia has to offer is a huge number of interesting monuments, endless winding roads, wonderful views, spectacular routes and of course wine – the best of the best. The pearl of the Caucasus is a place ideal for both amateurs and those more experienced in off-road driving. There is a lot of available routes, so we will be able to plan a ride according to our skills without any problems. Georgia’s biggest advantage is the variety of terrain. During one trip we will be able to see high mountains, desert areas, sea, beaches and a lot of monuments.

Iceland 4×4

Iceland is one of the most intriguing places in the world. Visiting it by off-road vehicle, we will be able to feel the atmosphere of the icy land even more. Among the attractions that can be experienced during off-road driving are numerous scenic wonders that will forever remain in our memory. Such places as the Látrabjarg cliffs, the Coloured Mountains in Landmannalaugar or the Eyjafjallajökull volcano are worth considering in your trip

Iceland will be the perfect destination for those who love the combination of a whirring engine and breathtaking views. It is a wild and rugged place, which is a guarantee of unforgettable experiences and adventures. It is worth remembering, however, that deviating from the designated routes will expose you to heavy fines. Icelanders care very much about their nature, so driving in undesirable places is strictly forbidden. However, there is nothing to worry about – available routes will certainly satisfy the appetite of every traveler. A very interesting idea is to go to mountain areas, where we will meet with a beautiful landscape and challenging routes. For such a trip it will be good to go in July or August, because in other months, due to bad weather conditions, it can be very dangerous

Broken Arrow Trial – only for the brave ones

Finally, one of the most challenging off-road trails in the world, the Broken Arrow Trail. It is located in the state of Arizona, USA, near Sedona. Broken Arrow Trail is incredibly difficult and phenomenal. It is a great option for all those who are not afraid of challenges and love adrenaline.

There are plenty of adventures to be had along the entire stretch of trail. The surface is gravel, and every now and then you will come across rocky protrusions, steep climbs and faults. People, who plan to cross Broken Arrow Trail, should have an excellent physical condition. The road is only accessible for off-road vehicles with 4×4 drive. It would be impossible to cross it with any other vehicle. Average crossing time is about 2,5 hours, however, it is worth to take into account the breaks that may be necessary both for us and for our vehicle

(Photo by Ilya Timin via Getty Images)

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