How do I choose between winter and summer tires? Here’s a comprehensive guide!

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Winter tires are the basis of winter equipment for drivers who want to ensure a comfortable and safe trip for themselves and their passengers. The use of tires that are properly adapted to the prevailing weather conditions has a positive impact not only on the safety aspect, but also on the comfort of driving.

1. How to choose winter tires?

2. Winter tires – what should they look like?

3. Remember to change your winter tires!

4. Cold Weather Tires: more safety on the road

How do I choose winter tires?

The starting point should be to familiarize yourself with the leading manufacturers in the market. Bridgestone winter tires have a large following. This choice is synonymous with safety and quality. Guided only by the aspect of price when looking for tires is not the best idea, and only a short-sighted action. On the market you will find tires called “nalewki” – these are retreaded tires that differ in weight – because they are heavier than standard tires of the same size. They are heavier than a standard tire of the same size, but do not offer the same comfort and protection as proven winter tires from trusted manufacturers. Nokian winter tires are a good example of value for money.

Winter tires – what should they be like?

Tires for the winter season are characterized by the presence of the 3PMSF marking – this is an icon that represents a snowflake, which is placed on the top with three peaks.

As for the size of winter tires – it should be exactly the same as for summer tires. So if you are currently using 17″ tires – you should also go for 17″ winter tires for these seasonal ones.

Winter tires are also divided into different types, also according to the climate zone in which they are to be used. For example, if we are talking about tires that are to be used in Poland – here mainly dominate the alpine tires. They are designed to move on snow-covered roads, which are often sprinkled with salt or chemicals. They will also perform well on other roads – snowy and on compacted people. However, there are tires on the market that will perform even better in this role

Remember to change your winter tires!

When should I replace my winter tires? This is one of the most common questions, especially among novice drivers. When it comes to winter tires it’s worth remembering that replacing them too quickly can lead to premature wear. This in turn is neither profitable nor safe – the tire loses its properties when the tread is worn out. This will then be noticeable when driving. Now that you know when to change to winter tires, it is worth paying attention to the weather conditions outside. When the average daily temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius it is advisable to change to winter tires as soon as possible. It is not advisable to wait until the road is slippery, as this can be very dangerous, not only for the driver and his passengers, but also for other road users.

Winter tires increase your safety on the road

Using summer tires when the temperature outside is below 0 degrees Celsius is extremely irresponsible. Some driving situations are beyond our control, such as unforeseen situations that we cannot change. Practice shows, however, that keeping vigilance on the road and careful observation of what is happening can protect us from collisions. A similar effect can be achieved by replacing your tires with tires that perform well on both icy and wet roads. If you’re wondering which winter tires to choose, it’s worthwhile to look at the winter tires ranking, which should provide comprehensive information on prices and comparisons of tires from the middle class as well as those from the upper shelf or the most economical. The most inquisitive motorists should also be interested in winter tire tests and winter tire labels. You’ll find all this in the winter tire section of the online knowledge compendium. You can also find out what the characteristics of economy tires are and how you can change them yourself

In summary, safety on the road is a driver’s priority. Winter conditions can be really demanding, so it’s worth the time and attention to find the right manufacturer and type of tire. This approach will help minimize the risk of causing a collision on the road. It’s also not advisable to wait until the last minute to get your tyres replaced – this is when tire shops are under siege and waiting times can be really long. It is therefore worth planning such a visit as soon as the temperature outside begins to fall below 7 degrees. All for the sake of maintaining proper driving conditions!

Photo: Customer’s press materials.

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